♫ Wildfire ♫

♫  She comes down from Yellow Mountain
On a dark, flat land she rides
On a pony she named Wildfire
With a whirlwind by her side
On a cold Nebraska night

Oh, they say she died one winter
When there came a killing frost
And the pony she named Wildfire
Busted down its stall
In a blizzard he was lost

She ran calling Wildfire
She ran calling Wildfire
She ran calling Wildfire  ♫

Hat: Riders straw Cowboy Hat Complimentary
Hair:  Exile - Shape of You - @ uber Monthly  July 2017
Top:  Atelier Pepe - Sporty Tank (Green) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Pants:  L&B Swear Chloe Corset pants and Chloe Chain Belt (sold seperately) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Horses: AKK XL 09 ws Pinto Horse

Hat: Riders straw Cowboy Hat Complimentary
Hair:  Exile - Shape of You - @ uber Monthly  July 2017
Top:  Atelier Pepe - Sporty Tank (Green) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Pants:  L&B Swear Chloe Corset pants and Chloe Chain Belt (sold seperately) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Boots: !Drakke! "Durango" Cowboy Boots (Black) (F) Deluxe

Hat: Riders straw Cowboy Hat Complimentary
Hair:  Exile - Shape of You - @ uber Monthly  July 2017
Top:  Atelier Pepe - Sporty Tank (Green) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Pants:  L&B Swear Chloe Corset pants and Chloe Chain Belt (sold seperately) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017

Pants:  L&B Swear Chloe Corset pants and Chloe Chain Belt (sold seperately) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Hat: Riders straw Cowboy Hat Complimentary
Hair:  Exile - Shape of You - @ uber Monthly  July 2017
Top:  Atelier Pepe - Sporty Tank (Green) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Pants:  L&B Swear Chloe Corset pants and Chloe Chain Belt (sold seperately) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017

Hat: Riders straw Cowboy Hat Complimentary
Hair:  Exile - Shape of You - @ uber Monthly  July 2017
Top:  Atelier Pepe - Sporty Tank (Green) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Pants:  L&B Swear Chloe Corset pants and Chloe Chain Belt (sold seperately) @ Uber Monthly event July 2017
Boots: !Drakke! "Durango" Cowboy Boots (Black) (F) Deluxe


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