♫ The Best ♫

Luxe Box - July 2017
Foxes - Paneled Leggings  - Lara
ISON - Lisa summer Peplum - maitreya
#Empire - Pelargonium - Maitreya
All of the above are hud driven with many choices.  I picked some basic colours but you can pick and choose to your hearts content
Hair: Red Mint (r)M Hair No.48'17
Lighting and Poses by LUMIPro 2017 V3

Great new hair I found and love the way it falls with all the wispy pieces, like my hair in RL! (only I wish mine looked THIS good!)
Hair: Red Mint (r)M Hair No.48'17
Lighting and Poses by LUMIPro 2017 V3

Beautiful shoes from #Empire - Pelargonium complete with hud, you can change every aspect of the shoe, keep it one solid colour or have two or three at a time.  Great shoe to compliment any outfit .  Included in the July 2017 Luxe Box.
Lighting and Poses by LUMIPro 2017 V3

More goodies from the July 2017 Luxe Box, both are hud driven (the peplum top and the panelled leggings ) from ISON and Foxes respectively .
Lighting and Poses by LUMIPro 2017 V3

♫  You're simply the best, better than all the rest
Better than anyone, anyone I ever met
I'm stuck on your heart, I hang on every word you say
Tear us apart, baby, I would rather be dead  ♫


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