♫ Bless the Broken Road ♫

 ♪ I set out on a narrow way many years ago Hoping I would find true love along the broken road But I got lost a time or two Wiped my brow and kept pushing through I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you ♪

I found this outfit at the Designer Showcase for January ... from Entice - Prep School Blues top, pants and loafers .  They are all sold seperately and there are many colour choices for you to mix and match as you see fit! Fitted for mesh bodies it needs to be checked out along with everything else at Designers Showcase.

My hair is from Stealthic - Summer Haze (Blondes) and can be found at HairOlogy for January .. There are many more styles and designers , you need to get on down and try the demos ...The event happens every month with new hairs presented every round .. don't miss out!


TOP:  Entice - Prep School Blues Top - Pink Stripe @ Designer Showcase

PANTS:  Entice - Prep School Blues Pants  - Black 
@ Designer Showcase
SHOES:  Entice - Prep School Blues Loafers - Pink @ Designer Showcase

HAIR:  Stealthic - Summer Haze (Blondes) @ HairOlogy - January 2017


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