Limited Event - November 1-5th

Ladies!!! A few more items from the Limited Event which lasts only till the 5th.  As the title indicates everything is limited and once they are gone, that's it! SO hurry on down and get you some of these great items, don't lose out! 
This outfit is suitable for working out in or just lazing around the pool  or whatever! It is from -VIBE- called Awarness Sports Fits, comes in 4 colours and is hud activated.  There is the pink breast cancer awareness ribbon on the bra and as I said there is a limit of 200 of these!

[Ab.Fab] has a tattoo available in this event called Valkyrie v2.  Tattoo is on the chest , stomach (pictured here) down the sides of the arms, the back of the calves and down the spine.  Comes with appliers for mesh bodies and very simple to use!

Another beautiful item from :Diamante: this Stardrop Bindi has so many choices ! Hud driven with 16 colour choices  for the stars, 14 gem choices and 3 metal choices.   Get on down and get yourself one now, and look even more beautiful when you go out at night adorned with this!

Two more items for you to see! The collar from Spyralle Glass collar 'Andromeda' Very pretty for your  fantasy imagination.  The frilled corset from Silent Whispers has seven different colours with black or white.  Have fun ladies, visit Limited Edition before its too late!


Outfit:  -VIBE-Awarness Sports Fits @ Limited Event 

Tattoo:  [Ab.Fab] Valkyrie Tattoo v2 @ Limited Event

Bindi:  :Diamante: Stardrop Bindi @ Limited Event

Corset:  S.W ~ Frilled Corset {ALL SIZES} @ Limited Event

Collar:  Spyralle Glass Collar 'Andromeda' @ Limited Event

Poses: BellePoses - Megan @ Limited Event

Hair: no.match_ ~ NO_SHELTER ~ Pack of BLONDS


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