Nina Nerya - Rock Queen

This outfit is so sexy from Nina Nerys, called Rock Queen.  Makes me feel like finding a concert to just rock out at! 
The Top  has great details. It is fitted for Belleza, Maitreya, Slink and standard fitmesh sizes 
Back view of the top ......
.... and the leather pants

Front of the pants with the detailing.  Pants are also fitted for Belleza, Maitreya, Slink and standard fitmesh sizing.

and finally the shoes that are included with the outfit .. These are fitted for Belleza, Maitreya and Slink feet 

This hair I really am liking a lot! Short and sassy from enVOGUE called Corina in Light Blondes.  Found it at HairOlogy for June 2016 ... It may still be there.. Hurry on down as there are plenty more styles and designers to choose from! 

So there it all is, Nina Nerys - Rock Queen in black (includes top, pants and shoes) and enVOGUE - Corina Light Blondes 


Outfit: Nina Nerys - Rock Queen - Black

Hair: enVOGUE - Corina Light Blondes (@ HairOlogy-June2016)


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