*dafnis and Slipper Originals

I got a notice about this cool outfit from *dafnis and had to run out and grab it   Pants with belt, bra (in black or white) and shirt! It comes with a hud to change colours of the pants/belt and shirt.  Outfit is called LUCIA SUMMER fatpack
...and what better shoes to wear with this casual look than Slipper Originals newest group gift  the Marisol Sandals fatpack! I have chosen the colours to match the outfit, everything in black and white ! 

The top is hud driven and you can change the colours of the sleeves and the main part of the shirt, mix it up like I have here, or make it one solid colour 

The skinny jeans, also hud driven have zippers at the back .  Great look for any time of year
Hurry on down to Slipper Originals and grab your gift, if you're not a member join now!!! These sandals are all you need for the cool casual look with the hud that can mix and match colours to whatever you're wearing!


Outfit:  *dafnis FATPACK LUCIA SUMMER 

Shoes:  Slipper Originals Marisol Sandals fatpack (June Group Gift) 


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