STYX 'n STONES Weekend at Cowboys 'n Angels

In concert tonight at Cowboys 'n Angels is STYX! Part of our "STYX 'n STONES" weekend. Presented to you by KICKSTART CONCERTS INC!! .. Come on down and join the fun, it starts at 7:30pm slt and we have DJ Paulina and Steve for the after concert party!

This is happening tonight, Feb. 12th @7:30pm SLT.  So tell everyone you know! and come join us for a great time!

This cute little number I found at the new set of items at fi*Friday is from EMPORIUM - Amy Pants Pack of 3 different colours Black, purple and Leo.
The top is Amy Top and is hud driven with 10 different textures . A great addition to your wardrobe!  

My shoes are also from fi*Fridays from Bens Boutique - Leaf High Heels  for slink high feet and are hud driven The colour options are many, 30 to be exact, for the straps, platform, leafs, and heels with two metal options 

A closer look at the top from EMPORIUM - Amy Top, love the knot at the side! 

And last but certainly not least is my hair.  A new round of looks @ HairOlogy which I will blog over the weekend! This particular one is a ponytail look from MINA - Helen - Light Blondes (yes they have other colours but I am partial to blondes!!) Go have a look they will be there for the rest of the month! 


Pants: EMPORIUM - Amy Pants @ fi*Friday
Top: EMPORIUM - Amy Top @ fi*Friday
Shoes: Bens Boutique - Leaf High Heels (for Slink High Feet) @ fi*Friday
Hair: MINA - Helen -Light Blondes @ HairOlogy

STYX Concert @ Cowboys 'n Angels 7:30pm SLT Feb 12


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